Lugar Center Welcomes 25th Class of SHRP Students
The Lugar Center for Rural Health welcomed the 25th class of students into its Summer Hoosier Rural Preceptorship Program (SHRP). The six students are in between their first and second year of medical school and represent institutions across Indiana and Illinois. The Lugar Center has a busy summer planned for all students with experiences in primary care clinics, critical access hospitals, EMS, and attending the Indiana Rural Health Association's Annual conference.

SHRP Students Left to Right:
Christopher Schimmoeller, Marian University
Joey Hebert, IUSM-TH
Morgan Blake, Midwestern University
Jocelyn Yuen, Marian University
Mikayla Moody, Marian University
Kenzi Holcomb, Marian University
For more information about SHRP click here.