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Health Policy
Educating Today's Leaders
Rural citizens throughout Indiana and the nation need leaders making educated decisions on important topics. The Lugar Center prides itself on being a place where elected officials and leaders can turn to for unbiased real world solutions that are rural focused. From Hospital Reimbursement to implementing effective Telehealth Strategies, the Lugar Center either knows the answer or partners with someone who does.
For more information regarding Health Policy

I am convinced that the majority of American people do understand that we have a moral responsibility to foster the concepts of opportunity, free enterprise, the rule of law, and democracy. They understand that these values are the hope of the world.
Richard G. Lugar
Advocate. Collaborate. Disseminate.
Rural Health
Rural Health
Telehealth Research
Nataliansyah, M., Merchant, K., Croker, J., Zhu, X., Mohr, N., Marcin, J., Rahmouni, H., Ward, M. “Managing Innovation: A Qualitative Study on the Implementation of Telehealth Services in Rural Emergency Departments.” BMC Health Services Research. 22, 852. July 2022.
Roseanne Fairchild, Shiaw-Fen Ferng-Kuo, Hicham Rahmouni, and Daniel Hardesty. Telemedicine Reports. "An Observational Study of Telemental Care Delivery and the Context for Involuntary Commitment for Mental Health Patients in a Group of Rural Emergency Departments" Nov 2020.22-35.
Fairchild, R., Kuo, SF.F., Laws, S., Rahmouni,H. and Hardesty, D. (2020). Telehealth Increases Access to Care for Children Dealing with Suicidality, Depression, and Anxiety in Rural Emergency Departments
Telemed J E Health. Online Ahead of Print, February 2020. DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2019.0253
P. Weigel, D. Bhagianadh, K. Merchant, A. Wittrock, H. Rahmouni, A. Bell, S. Laws, and M. Ward (2019). Tele-Emergency Behavioral Health in Rural and Underserved Areas" Journal of Telemedicine and eCare. November 2019.
Fairchild, R., Kuo, SF.F., Laws, S., O’Brien, A. and Rahmouni,H. (2017) Perceptions of Rural Emergency Department Providers regarding Telehealth-Based Care: Perceived Competency, Satisfaction with Care and Tele-ED Patient Disposition. Open Journal of Nursing, 7, 721-733.
Fairchild, R., Kuo, SF.F., Laws, S., Rahmouni,H. and Hardesty, D. (2019). Telehealth Decreases Rural Emergency Department Wait Times for Behavioral Health Patients in a group of Critical Access Hospitals.
Telemed J E Health. Vol. 25, No. 12, December 2019: 1154-1164. DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2018.0227
Rheuban, K.S., et al. (2012). The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. Laws, S. (Reviewer)
Laws, S., Powell, A. (2011) The Use of Risk Stratification and Telecardiology Care in a Critical Access Hospital. Critical Pathways in Cardiology.
Pam Whitten, et al. Telemedicine in Indiana: Policy Report. Purdue University’s Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering. (2007). Dr. James Buechler, Erik Southard, Hicham Rahmouni (contributors).
Williams, A., & Cadick, A. (2018). Forgotten, silent, and overruled: Hearing the voice of the nursing home patient. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 53(5–6), 395–404.
Powell A.M., Halon J.M., Nelson J. (2014) Rural emergency medical technician pre-hospital electrocardiogram transmission. Rural and Remote Health 14: 2690. (Online) 2014.
Doran, C. Rahmouni, H. Batista, B. (2014). Physician Assistant Policy Paper. Indiana Rural Health Association Official Position.
Rahmouni, H. (2010). Simulation-based medical education. Rural Health Innovation Collaborative. (Whitepaper)
Fairchild, R.M., Everly, M., Walters, L., Bauer, R., Laws, S., & Anderson, L. (2013). Rural nurses' continuing education needs: A U.S. multi-site survey reveals challenges and opportunities. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, Vol. 3(5)
Rahmouni, H. Lockhart, B. Strange, J. Duong, T. Impact of a Rural Preceptorship and Training on Medical Students Selection of Primary Care and Rural Practice. (2009). Manuscript.
Herrick, M. “Integrated Care Impact on Postpartum Visit Compliance and Readmissions.” Walden University Proquest Dissertation Publishing, 28969898. March 2022.
Miller, C., Powers, S., Roche, G., Haywood, A., & Rahmouni, H. (2014). Regional Variations in Health Insurance Coverage: Before and After the Great Recession. National Rural Health Association Policy Papers.
Melvin, C.L., Corbie-Smith, G., Kumanyika, S.K., Pratt, C.A., Nelson, C., Walker, E., . . . & The Workshop Working Group on CVD Prevention in High-Risk Rural Communities (Laws). (2013). Developing a research agenda for cardiovascular disease prevention in high-risk rural communities. American Journal of Public Health. 1-11.
Bradshaw, A.K. & Biggs, J.R. (2007). Intercultural sensitivity of rural family medicine residents. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, Vol. E10(1)

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