SHRP: Improving Access for Community (Literally)
Last week (6/29/18), the Lugar Center’s six Summer Hoosier Rural Preceptorship (SHRP) students partnered with the Wabash Valley United Way and Servants at Work (SAWs) to build a wheelchair ramp at a home in Terre Haute. SAWs builds wheelchair ramps to provide persons with disabilities and conditions of aging with the freedom to remain in their homes and reconnect with their communities. A simple ramp can be life-changing. It signifies mobility and freedom for a population that may not otherwise be able to live in their home or come and go freely.

2018 SHRP Students (Left to Right): Jocelyn Yuen, Chris Schimmoeller, Mikayla Moody, Morgan Blake, Kenzi Holcomb, Joey Hebert

The SHRP students were excited to have the opportunity to make such a large impact in one day. For more information on SAWs, or to volunteer, please visit their website at