Recognizing Rural Doctors: Doc Hollywood Day

Doc Hollywood Day is about recognizing the many individuals who care for folks in our rural and underserved communities across the nation. It is a time for celebration and fun. It also has a serious side. Access to quality healthcare is a key component in terms of individuals' physical and mental health, it is also a key component in communities' economic vitality.
Without healthcare, along with schools, industry, water systems and other infrastructure, communities wither and die. Yet many people do not know about or understand the rewards of practicing in rural and other underserved communities or even realize that they have the potential to become one of these heroic providers.
Although between 6% and 20% of the U.S. population lives in rural areas, only 9% of physicians practice there.
The National Rural Health Association predicts that there will be a shortage of 124,000 full-time physicians in this country by the year 2025.

This shortage will be worse in rural and underserved areas, where a serious physician shortage already exists.
Access to quality healthcare is a key component in terms of individuals' physical and mental health and rural communities' economic vitality.
Doc Hollywood Day celebrates the commitment of these medical students and their mentors to the health and vitality of rural America and the persons who live there.
Raising visibility and awareness about these unsung heroes, and celebrating their contributions, enhances our ability to recruit people into these professions and areas to ensure access to quality healthcare and viable, thriving communities. It is about fun, celebration, and so much more.
The physicians we honor during DHD are also preceptors for the Hoosier Summer Preceptorship. They live/have lived the life of a rural practitioner and impact in the lives of students and aspiring rural family doctors.
Award Recipients
2005 – George Mitchell, M.D.
2005 – Jim Turner, D.O.
2006 – Steve Macke, M.D.
2007 – James Buechler, M.D.
2008 – Carl Conwell, M.D.
2009 – Dave Davis, M.D.
2010 - Gregory Brock, D.O.
2011 - Gene Bourgasser, M.D.
2012 - Paul Daluga, M.D.
2016 - Barbary Mowery, M.D.
Here's the real Doc Hollywood congratulating Doc Hollywood winners: